Ensemble toolkit provides building blocks to compose ensemble-based applications and execute on high performance computing systems. The responsibilities of the user are constrained to defining (i) "what" needs to be executed and (ii) "when" they need to be executed (relative order). Ensemble toolkit takes charge on the complexities of "where" and "how" the workload is executed. Ensemble toolkit uses a scalable pilot-based runtime system that decouples workload execution and resource management details from the expression of the application, and enables the efficient and dynamic execution of ensembles on heterogeneous computing resources.
Support for common application patterns: Provides parametrized templates that represent common synchronization and communication patterns.
Kernel abstractions: Task abstractions that hide tool specific peculiarities across different HPC systems.
Interoperable: Ensemble toolkit allows its users to submit tasks to a variety of HPC machines using only a single component.
Scalable: Capable of scheduling O(10k) tasks and marshalling O(10k) distributed cores. Ensemble toolkit is developed over RADICAL Pilot and its runtime performance features are seamlessly applicable to Ensemble toolkit
Ensemble toolkit is being used by molecular dynamics researchers in the ExTASY project.
Researchers at Utah (Cheetham group) are using Ensemble toolkit to develop advanced adaptive workflows to simulate molecular behaviour of the Ebola virus
Researchers at Penn State (Cervone group) are using Ensemble toolkit to run weather prediction models on HPC systems.